twixt Carnival Cinema, C. W. Stoneking and yours truly we get a teaser of what's to come. As always the editing and filming is done by my friend and faithful companion Hamish McCormick and I must say it is looking mighty fine!
The background for this web series is a ten year long, ever morphing dream shared by McCormick and myself. Every meeting, every skype chat, or long distance phone call (whilst I'm out on the road peddling my unique brand of Showmanship and he is holding the fort in Brunswick, Melbourne,) invariably ends in deep conversation about the details of the current state of the "project." It has been a merchandize DVD, an art film, a bio pic, a film, and an endless topic of creative conversation. What on earth do we do with all this great footage?
Now finally it is really coming together!
Now over the next future we will share my life with you. It will be a video diary from my life on the road going back a decade and told in no particular order. It will be slices of life, my life, served up like pieces of fine layer cake.
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